Los Diques Project
The Los Diques project is located 50 meters from Tolentino Park in Taras de Cartago.
Our address in Waze is: https://goo.gl/maps/Ak9BbESrq3hmT8Mu8

When you arrive at Lifting Hands Los Diques you may encounter two people:

Gabriel Gomez
Project coordinator

Leslie Lugo
Psychology Coordinator
At Lifting Hands Los Diques, we have three age groups and also other areas of support.
Childhood Program
4 to 10 years
Youth Program
11 to 24 years
Responsible Program
+24 years
Recreational support
Day to day support
Departamento de Psicología

A continuación te explicamos cada programa en detalle. Es importante que si te llama la atención algún programa específico, te anotés en el formulario y que podamos tomarte en cuenta cuando llegue el momento de planear el cuatrimestre. Que te anotés, no significa que vas a tener que ser voluntario/a de forma obligatoria, ¡te vamos a preguntar antes! En ese momento te vamos a preguntar por tu horario de preferencia, edades específicas, entre otros detalles.
Todos nuestros programas son medibles, escalables y flexibles. Si querés conocer mejor estos procesos, leé con detenimiento las descripciones y si te quedan dudas o querés ir más profundo, escribile a la Coordinación de Proyecto.

Childhood Program
The Childhood Program accompanies boys and girls from 4 to 10 years old. Its objective is to educate girls and boys from 4 to 10 years of age through support for the development of training goals in order to prepare them for their youth. This is achieved through four areas: emotional health, self-discovery, social skills, and cognitive and physical skills. Our classes are learning spaces through play, so in the initial induction we are going to train you very well so that you do not have doubts about how to implement your class. You don't have to have prior knowledge to do it well! We also give you the manual for your class so that you perfectly understand what subject to teach.
Art classes are responsible for exercising fine motor skills, non-verbal communication, expressiveness, imagination and creativity.
Cooking classes focus on teaching fine motor skills and teamwork. Also, healthy nutrition habits.
Las clases deportivas se enfocan en motricidad gruesa y actividad física. Podés proponer la que te apasiona como ballet, Zumba, Jiu Jitsu, fútbol, etc.
The English program is ideal for providing a strong foundation in a second language that can provide opportunities for the future.
The literacy program seeks to support the school's literacy learning process.
Extracurricular support space to help do homework, study for exams and understand material.
Program focused on providing emotional and self-discovery skills, as well as mindfulness. This class does require that the person facilitating it study or have a degree in psychology, social or related work, and/or have knowledge of these topics.
The Childhood Program is measured qualitatively in July and quantitatively in November, so that we manage to be in a process of continuous improvement and also monitor our students 1-1 according to their progress or delays according to the program. ;
Youth Program
El Programa de Juventudes acompaña a los jóvenes de 11 a 24 años. Su objetivo es acompañar a personas jóvenes de 11 a 24 años y guiarles para que se conviertan en personas saludables e íntegras, con el fin de que rompan el ciclo de pobreza. Esto se logra por medio de tres áreas: salud mental, autodescubrimiento y construcción de una visión de vida.
En este programa hay tres formas de involucrarse:
1- Coach: se refiere a una persona que da mentoría grupal una vez por semana durante dos horas, pero debe además dar seguimiento 1-1 a su grupo durante la semana, conectarse a reuniones virtuales cada 15 días, y a reuniones presenciales cada mes. Además, debe capacitarse durante un fin de semana completo y y llenar evaluaciones semanales de su grupo. Es una posición que requiere de mucho tiempo y compromiso, pero que te permite conectar con tu grupo más que cualquier otra opción de voluntariado. ¡Si tenés el tiempo, te lo recomendamos mucho!
2- Mentoría: es una persona que brinda acompañamiento individual a una persona específica, la cual dependiendo de su edad, va a requerir orientación vocacional o trabajar otros objetivos. Además, debe capacitarse durante un fin de semana completo.
3- Profe de clases optativas: son personas que dan clases de diferentes temáticas una vez por semana a un mismo grupo, en un día fijo y una hora fija. Aquí abajo después del video te explicamos algunas de las opciones.
Cooking classes focus on providing a safe space for recreation and strengthening teamwork. Also, healthy nutrition habits.
Sports classes focus on a safe space for recreation and physical activity. You can propose what you are passionate about such as ballet, Zumba, Jiu Jitsu, soccer, etc.
Art classes are responsible for exercising non-verbal communication, expressiveness, self-knowledge, imagination and creativity.
The English program is ideal for providing a strong foundation in a second language that can provide opportunities for the future.
Space from toextracurricular support to help with homework, studying for tests and understanding material.
The Youth Program is measured qualitatively in July and quantitatively in November, so that we manage to be in a process of continuous improvement and also monitor our students 1-1 according to their progress or delays according to the program. ;
Responsible Program
The Responsible Program accompanies the people in charge of childhood and youth students. Its objective is to provide them with support to raise their sons and daughters in a positive way, understand what stage of their development they are in and give them a safe recreational space.
Cooking classes focus on providing a safe space for recreation and strengthening teamwork. In addition, healthy nutrition habits and cooking entrepreneurship skills.
Zumba classes focus on a safe space for recreation and physical activity.
Art classes are responsible for exercising non-verbal communication, expressiveness, self-knowledge, imagination and creativity. Additionally, it provides entrepreneurship skills in the area of art.
educating with love
Open space to talk about different topics associated with positive discipline during parenting.
hablando entre hombres
Open space between men to talk about healthy masculinities.
Recreational support
Recreational support is the support provided in the day-to-day operation of the foundation. It is divided into different areas and can be rotated.
The areas are:
1- Administrative support: includes attendance lists, signing permits, and special support.
2- Assistance in classes: you can support groups of many assistants to the teacher.
3- Play spaces: play with students and keep them in a safe and fun space.
4- Order: ensure that the foundation is in order and in adequate conditions for its proper functioning.
Department of Psychology
The Department of Psychology is in charge of the foundation's mental health area. To support this department, you must be a person from this area or allusive (Social Sciences).
clinical care
To provide therapeutic sessions, you must have your code from the College of Psychologists up to date, or have written approval from your university to do so. Must follow department guidelines.
They are training spaces for beneficiaries, volunteers and staff on different topics. It can be a single workshop or you can get involved by teaching classes with the childhood group, or by implementing workshops for young people.
program measurements and evaluations
Application of measurement instruments both in the middle of the year and in November and collaborate with their respective analysis and presentation of results.
listening space
It is a space in which therapy is not provided but only the person is listened to. Specific training is provided on the topic of powerful questions that allows you to direct the space. You must submit written reports.